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Leading investment house in Israel, managing over 77 Billion Dollars for private, business and institutional clients

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Developing and commercializing novel endovascular treatments for stroke

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Developing percutaneous implantable technologies for patients with chronic heart failure

Survey Shows That Big Data on the Cloud Is Mission Critical, And a Growing Need for Real-Time Extreme Processing

GigaSpaces Finds IT Wants To Take Big Data to the Cloud, and Be Able to Process Real-Time Streaming Events.

New York, December 10, 2012 – A survey of IT Executives reveals that Big Data is now a mission-critical need for enterprises and the need for real-time processing of that data is significant and growing. The findings were the result of a survey that GigaSpaces Technologies did of 243 IT executives and developers spanning various industries, including financial services, e-commerce, government, and telecom, to find out what their goals and concerns are regarding Big Data in their organizations.

The survey resulted in three major findings:
• An overwhelming majority of organizations view their Big Data processing as mission-critical, as rated by 80% of respondents.
• For companies handling Big Data, the need for real-time functionality is both significant and growing – over 70% already need to process streaming Big Data, with half that number needing to handle both high volume and high velocity. The survey indicated that there is increasing readiness to use streaming solutions to deal with the challenges of Big Data and speed up Big Data processing.
• Most companies have plans to move their Big Data to the Cloud, or are considering the option. Only 20% of the IT professionals surveyed indicated that their company had no plans to move their Big Data to the cloud.

Another interesting result of the survey was regarding the tools being used for handling Big Data. While over 70% of respondents reported that they require the ability to process streaming Big Data, and 80% reported that Big Data is important or mission-critical to their business, only 12% have adopted real-time event processing tools. This suggests a possible gap in the market, where enterprises still have not found the right solutions that combines the ability to handle massive data while also providing speed.

“GigaSpaces’ has long recognized that the exponential growth of data is a challenge nearly every company will have to deal with at some point, and that they will need infrastructure for their business apps that can carry them into the Big Data era with minimum disruption,” said Adi Paz, EVP Marketing and Business Development at GigaSpaces. “This is why our platforms are geared to handle extreme processing without compromising on scalability, reliability, transactionality, security, or any other enterprise concern; moreover, we know how to interoperate with all other legacy and Big Data technologies. With the speed of business today, you have enough to worry about without having to restructure your IT environment to handle it.”

The survey results report can be downloaded at

For press inquiries please contact Laura Ackerman at or +1-508-475-0025 x115.

About GigaSpaces
GigaSpaces Technologies is the pioneer of a new generation of application virtualization platforms and a leading provider of end-to-end scaling solutions for distributed, mission-critical application environments, and cloud enabling technologies. GigaSpaces is the only platform on the market that offers truly silo-free architecture, along with operational agility and openness, delivering enhanced efficiency, extreme performance and always-on availability. The GigaSpaces solutions are designed from the ground up to run on any cloud environment – private, public, or hybrid – and offer a pain-free, evolutionary path to meet tomorrow’s IT challenges.