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Pando Networks Releases 2011 American Broadband Study

Highlights download speeds for major cities and ISPs

NEW YORK – March 22, 2012 – Today Pando Networks released their study of American broadband performance in 2011, revealing that Americans are delivered a wide range of speedsdepending on their location and Internet Service Provider(ISP). By recording the speeds for millions of downloads delivered by their software, Pando builtan accurate picture of the speeds experienced by the end user.

Amongst America’s largest cities(those with populations greater than 500k),the fastest speeds were recorded in areasgenerally considered hotspots for the technology industry, regardless of their regional location. Topping the average speed charts is Austin at 841KBps followed by San Francisco at 828KBps, Boston at 827KBps, Seattle at 805KBps and New York at 787KBps. El Paso, Texas recorded the slowest speed amongst big cities at 483KBps, delivering barely half the speed of its hi-tech Texan neighbor, Austin. Behind El Pasowere Fort Worth at 517KBps, Oklahoma City at 518Kbps, Albuquerque at 537KBps and Denver at 550KBps.

By state, the fastest download speeds were found in the population dense states of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic while the slowest speeds were concentrated in more rural areas. The state with the overall fastest average download speed was Rhode Island with a whopping 963KBps, definitively topping Delaware at 923KBps and New Jersey at 897KBps. Idaho recorded the slowest average speeds in the country, averaging a mere 387KBps, followed closely by Oklahoma at 443KBps and Montana at 452KBps. A surprising outlier was extremely rural South Dakota, outstripping more urban states such as Florida and Illinois with an average speed of 712KBps.

The study also reported a wide range of average download speeds for the major American ISPs with Comcast coming out on top at 941KBps followed by Optimum Online at 874KBps and Charter Communications at 868KBps. Other notables include Cox at 800KBps, Verizon at 799KBps and Time Warner’s Road Runner at 737KBps.

About Pando Networks Inc.
Pando Networks improves the delivery performance of the most popular MMO games. Pando accelerates content delivery, reduces delivery cost and provides detailed performance data. Pando technology currently accelerates the delivery of more than 200 million game downloads annually. Pando is fundedby Intel Capital, BRM Capital and Wheatley Partners.

Media Contact
Zach Fuller, TriplePoint for Pando Networks
(917) 338-3997