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Pando Networks Receives 2008 DCIA Innovator’s Award

San Jose, CA (PRWEB) August 4, 2008 — The Distributed Computing Industry Association (, a trade organization with more than one-hundred Member companies including peer-to-peer and social networking software developers and distributors (P2Ps), Internet service providers (ISPs), content owners (COs), and service-and-support companies, announced today that Pando Networks is the recipient of its 2008 DCIA Innovator’s Award.

The award was presented at a conference luncheon ceremony today to Pando Networks’ CEO Robert Levitan at the inaugural P2P MEDIA SUMMIT Silicon Valley.

“The DCIA Innovator’s Award is presented annually to that company which epitomizes the overall advancement of distributed computing technologies for commercial purposes,” said DCIA CEO Marty Lafferty in making the award.

“Pando Networks, through its leadership role in the P4P Working Group, has engaged Internet service providers (ISPs) in the deployment of P2P-related technologies. Pando has also been a leader in educating content owners about the benefits of distributed computing. With the development of the Pando Content Delivery Suite, commercial content owners everywhere can now seamlessly add secure peer-assisted delivery to their existing content delivery networks (CDNs),” continued Lafferty. “Pando Networks has exemplified innovation in the advancement of P2P technologies, underscoring the importance of distributed computing and the vital role it will play in media delivery going forward.”

Doug Pasko, Verizon Senior Technologist and Co-Chair of the P4P Working Group added, “Pando Networks has been instrumental in bringing together the ISP and P2P communities to help address critical issues impacting the evolution of the Internet. Pando defied the rhetoric by seeking a cooperative industry-based solution which now offers great promise for improving the quality of user experience while simultaneously addressing issues of network resource utilization. Our co-chaired working group should serve to remind the industry that we are all seeking the same thing; viable solutions to provide the best possible experience for our customers.”

The P2P MEDIA SUMMIT Silicon Valley featured keynotes from top P2P software distributors, panels of industry leaders, a luncheon session, and VIP networking cocktail reception.

About the DCIA
The Distributed Computing Industry Association (DCIA) is a non-profit trade organization focused on commercial development of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing and related distributed computing technologies.

DCIA Membership is organized into three Groups: Content, Operations, and Platform. The DCIA conducts working groups and special projects, such as the P4P Working Group (P4PWG), Inadvertent Sharing Protection Working Group (ISPG), P2P Digital Watermark Working Group (PDWG), Consumer Disclosures Working Group (CDWG), P2P PATROL, and the P2P Revenue Engine (P2PRE). It also publishes the weekly online newsletter DCINFO.

About Pando Networks
Pando Networks is the leading provider of managed P2P content delivery services. Pando technology combines the reliability and control of CDNs with the scale and cost efficiencies of P2P protocols. Pando co-chairs with Verizon the P4P Working Group that is developing methods to enable ISPs and P2P service providers to route data more efficiently. Pando is funded by Intel Capital, BRM Capital and Wheatley Partners. Pando has received numerous industry awards including: AlwaysOn 100 Top Private Company, TechCrunch Connected Innovator, C/net Webware 100 and Web Video Summit 2007 Hottest Products of the Year. For more information, please visit