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Pando Networks CEO Sees a War Coming Over Digital Distribution

Cloud gaming and digital distribution are starting to grow by leaps and bounds and one tech CEO says he sees an epic showdown between traditional and digital retailers in his crystal ball.

Robert Levitan, the chief executive officer of Pando Networks, wrote in a guest post for Forbes that the video game industry is starting to parallel the movie and TV industry with traditional rental and retail stories battling against the rise of digital services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon. He believes this dynamic relationship will repeat itself in the gaming industry.

“The parallel is difficult to miss,” Levitan wrote. “Steam, with its 40 million users (compared to rival EA’s Origin with 9.3 Million) is leading the PC game distribution site, making it an attractive partner for publishers who want access to that vast audience. But publishers are beginning to wonder whether they need to share their income with Steam.”

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August 2, 2012
Source: GameTrailers