ProSight Portfolios Fast Track for FISMA and Privacy Compliance Extends Portfolio Management Methodology to Security Evaluation and Remediation Efforts
WASHINGTON, D.C.-November 17, 2004-ProSight® Inc., the leading provider of portfolio management solutions to the federal government, today announced the release of ProSight® Portfolios Fast Track for FISMA and Privacy Compliance (Fast Track FPC), the first commercial, off-the-shelf (COTS) portfolio management solution created specifically to provide end-to-end support for security compliance and remediation initiatives.
The Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) requires agencies to apply risk management techniques to make their systems more secure. Fast Track FPC incorporates system inventory, evaluation, remediation, and reporting capabilities to provide agencies an overall view of FISMA compliance status, as well as an integrated toolset for reporting progress to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
“FISMA clearly places the onus of security compliance on agency Chief Information Officers (CIO),” said Kevin Plexico, Executive Vice President, INPUT, the quantifiable leader in government market intelligence. “CIOs are faced with the daunting task of attempting to track the security of the myriad systems that exist today in government. The shear number, as well as the large, complex nature of federal government information systems is forcing these agency Information Technology (IT) leads to take a ‘big picture’ approach to meet FISMA standards,” Plexico said.
Agencies can monitor system progress at each step of the evaluation and remediation process with dashboards, scorecards, and investor maps. ProSight’s scorecards and investor maps provide analysis of weakness distribution by system, business area, agency, bureau, and other factors, ensuring problems are considered from multiple angles. This capability assists with prioritization and enables development of the most effective plan for limiting security exposures. Fast Track FPC benefits all levels of management functionality – project, program, and portfolio – providing up-to-date security status, as well as the flexibility to adjust to meet new threats or challenges.
“FISMA is critical to ensuring the integrity and security of government systems, but it has added significant reporting burdens to a federal workforce bending under the weight of multiple mandates,” said ProSight CEO John Cimral. “Fast Track FPC was designed to help agencies comply with the requirements of the Act through a structured and repeatable process that eliminates multiple data calls.”
Designed to work seamlessly with ProSight’s existing software solutions, Fast Track FPC exceeds FISMA reporting requirements by integrating risk assessment, privacy impact assessment, National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) self-assessment, and OMB-required Plans of Action and Milestones (POA&M) with powerful analysis and decision-making tools – ensuring efficient and effective security remediation program management. This also ensures agencies know, with confidence that all security assessment and correction information is in one place, on-line, and up-to-date.
About Fast Track FPC
ProSight’s Fast Track FPC provides:
* A centralized system of record for:
* Systems and information type inventory
* Weakness assessment and tracking
* NIST self-assessment
* Privacy impact assessments
* POA&Ms
* Remediation cost tracking
* Collaborative governance and management of weaknesses and POA&Ms
* Built-in analytics and metrics for insightful decision-making
* “What if” alternatives analysis including “remediate vs. replace”
* Remediation cost planning
* Integrated reporting
* (Optional) Integration with OMB Exhibit 300 business cases and process
About ProSight
ProSight® is the only provider of top-down portfolio management solutions for the enterprise. By combining patented portfolio management software with services expertise, ProSight delivers immediate results to organizations without disrupting existing systems and processes. Companies using ProSight’s products enhance their business alignment and strategic collaboration through effective governance of investments, resources and performance. ProSight is headquartered in Portland, Ore.
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