Post Date: June 22, 2016
Upcoming version of Cloudify open source NFV MANO platform will deliver a new Telecom Edition tailored to NFV needs
BERLIN — The open source multi-VIM MANO, Cloudify, is giving a sneak preview of its Telecom Edition today at the OPNFV Summit in Berlin. Cloudify is an open source orchestrator used by a growing group of large telecoms and Tier 1 network operators that are pursuing network functions virtualization (NFV).
“Cloudify is an open source cloud orchestration platform that simplifies the transition from physical to cloud-based networks. Cloudify enables telcos to manage and orchestrate their NFV deployments on hybrid infrastructure including containers, through a single pane of glass,” says William Fellows, Research Vice President of 451 Research. “This new telecom edition brings DevOps best practices to the world of NFV by automating formerly complex processes of deploying virtualized network functions (VNFs) to the cloud, chaining them, monitoring and managing them throughout their entire application lifecycle, while providing scaling and healing out of the box.”
GigaSpaces will provide a first look into the Cloudify Telecom Edition at the Cloudify community booth (#C01) at the OPNFV Summit. Cloudify community members will conduct hands-on, live demos of Cloudify Telecom Edition NFV orchestration capabilities. Previews of the new edition will also be available via the on-demand Cloudify NFV Lab.
The Telecom Edition is expected to be ready for production in early July.
Open Orchestration, Tailored for Telecom NFV Needs
Cloudify has tailored the Telecom Edition to the needs of NFV operators by adding a robust set of new features, NFV-specific plugins, and blueprints showcasing how to mode VNFs and SFC (Service Function Chaining), including:
Netconf plugin
Clearwater vIMS blueprints and plugins
F5 BigIP plugin
Network service management
TOSCA/YANG data modeling interoperability
VNF updates for running VNFs and services
NIC ordering
Support for Cloud Native services through Kubernetes plugin
Multi-VIM – Now fully open source vCloud and vSphere plugins, alongside OpenStack native support
Overlay Service Chaining
Enhanced Platform Awareness coupled with Data Plane Acceleration through integration with Intel
Drag and drop Cloudify Composer with VNF-specific components
Native integration with ARIA
Support installation within environments with no internet access
The Cloudify Telecom Edition, based on the telecom-friendly TOSCA standard, will be delivered with the ARIA TOSCA Orchestration Engine at its core, an open source and open governance embeddable reference implementation of TOSCA targeted for NFV users. Cloudify, as the only open source NFV MANO leveraging TOSCA’s native multi-VIM interoperability capabilities, has built-in support and blueprints for OpenStack, as well as the entire VMware stack, including vCloud Director, VMware Integrated OpenStack and vSphere. It also enables extensibility of hybrid workloads and microservices, as well as bursting to public clouds for disaster recovery applications.
Cloudify, in an effort to drive innovation and standardization around NFV, takes an active role in supporting and sponsoring organizations building NFV solutions and standards including: Oasis TOSCA, OPNFV, Open-O premiere members, MEF, and ETSI.
Media Resources
Learn more about the Cloudify Telecom Edition
Online NFV Lab, powered by Cloudify 3.4
Online TOSCA Learning Management System, powered by Cloudify 3.4
Watch the Athonet vIMS & vEPC demo based on Cloudify that won VMware vCloud NFV a Best of Show Award at Interop Tokyo.